2012-2048 until elected!
2012 -2048 General Elections
Try The Stronger MODERNA Vaccine!
Between Russia/Ukraine
Please Read 4.28.2021 Letter From Silvia Stagg
To House Rep Jeff Fortenberry and Senator Rick Scott
Below: PDF File of Letter To/From Congress/Silvia Stagg
"...Silvia Stagg As A Truly Bipartisan Presidential Candidate..."
VOTE Silvia Stagg For President!
Only US Citizens and US Residents Are Allowed To Give Campaign Contributions To US Candidates and Contributions are generally limited to Twenty Five Hundred - Five Thousand US Dollars (US$2,500.00 - US$5,000.00) Per Person Per Primary-General Election Cycle, Total Per Person: US$5,000.00! Additionally, we rarely have Runoffs. Yet, Runoffs allow for another $2,500.00 in Contributions per person. Those who wish to support my US Presidency via "electioneering communications" without contacting myself are allowed to make unlimited contributions, and most likely requires an FEC Form Filed. Contact FEC/Federal Elections Commission (999 E St NW Wash-DC 20463 T: 800-424-9530 F: 202-501-3413 I: for Forms-Information regarding necessary filing of FEC Forms for those making Campaign Contributions. Anyone making Contributions to Silvia Stagg, as a National Security Victim Witness may do so without FEC Forms.
Silvia Stagg Is Seeking A Vice President, Electors, Volunteers For Voter Signature Petition Drives For Signatures, Poll Watchers, and Donations!
March 31-2011 Letter
From Reince Priebus
CPAC2015 LONGSHOTS w/Photos of Silvia Stagg!
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
MY PUERTO RICO by Silvia Stagg
CPAC2015 LONGSHOTS w/Photos of Silvia Stagg!
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
Below: 13 Required 2020
State Registered Voter Signature Forms
(20) KENTUCKY Complete and kindly File Due OCTOBER 23-2020 at 4PM KENTUCKY SOS - Elections Division, The Attached Below Registered Voter-Elector Signature Petition, and Filing Fee of $50.00 in-person delivery or mailed with some type of TRACKING NUMBER to:
Secretary of State - State Capitol
Elections Division - Room 148 - 700 Capitol Ave, Frankfort - KY 40601-3493
Email: - Tel: 502 - 562 - 3490
2020 KY Dec of Can Form w/Elector Section
five percent of the vote for such office in the county and the election commissioner or county
clerk believes that such vote will not impact the outcome of the election. In that case, the
number of write-in votes for that office may be counted and listed together as one total (Neb.
Rev. Stat. §32-1008).
• The written consent of the designated vice-presidential candidate
• The names, addresses, and written consent of the five persons who will represent the
write-in candidate as presidential elector candidates
Silvia Stagg
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign
1101 Brickell Ave # 310223 Miami Fl 33231
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
CPAC2015 LONGSHOTS w/Photos of Silvia Stagg!
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign
1101 Brickell Ave # 310223 Miami Fl 33231
VOTE Silvia Stagg
...until elected US President!
Only US Citizens and US Residents Are Allowed To Give Campaign Contributions To US Candidates and Contributions are generally limited to Twenty Five Hundred - Five Thousand US Dollars (US$2,500.00 - US$5,000.00) Per Person Per Primary-General Election Cycle, Total Per Person: US$5,000.00! Additionally, we rarely have Runoffs. Yet, Runoffs allow for another $2,500.00 in Contributions per person. Those who wish to support my US Presidency via "electioneering communications" without contacting myself are allowed to make unlimited contributions, and most likely requires an FEC Form Filed. Contact FEC/Federal Elections Commission (999 E St NW Wash-DC 20463 T: 800-424-9530 F: 202-501-3413 I: for Forms-Information regarding necessary filing of FEC Forms for those making Campaign Contributions. Anyone making Contributions to Silvia Stagg, as a National Security Victim Witness may do so without FEC Forms.
The US white majority will soon disappear forever
Since the settlement of Jamestown in 1607 and the start of the Colonial period, the U.S. has been predominantly white.
But the white share of the U.S. population has been dropping, from a little under 90% in 1950 to 60% in 2018. It will likely drop below 50% in another 25 years.
White nationalists want America to be white again. But this will never happen. America is on its way to becoming predominantly nonwhite.
Who is white?
The U.S. federal government uses two questions to measure a person’s race and ethnicity. One asks if the person is of Hispanic origin, and the other asks about the person’s race.
A person is defined as white if he or she identifies as being only white and non-Hispanic. A minority, or nonwhite, person is anyone who is not solely non-Hispanic white.

Whites were not the first people to settle in what is now the U.S. The first immigrants were a people known today as American Indians and Alaskan natives, also commonly referred to as Native Americans. They arrived in North America around 14,000 years ago.
When Christopher Columbus arrived in America in 1492, there were around 10 million American Indians living in the lands north of Mexico. But by the 1800s their numbers had dwindled to about 1 million. They are now the smallest race group in the U.S.
The first sizable stream of immigrants to what is now the U.S. were whites from England. Their arrival at Plymouth in 1620 in search of religious freedom marked the start of large waves of whites coming to this land.
When the U.S. was established as a country in 1776, whites comprised roughly 80% of the population. The white share rose to 90% in 1920, where it stayed until 1950.
Declining numbers
The proportion of whites in the U.S. population started to decline in 1950. It fell to gradually over the years, eventually reaching just over 60% in 2018 – the lowest percentage ever recorded.
Although the majority of the U.S. population today is still white, nonwhites account for more than half of the populations of Hawaii, the District of Columbia, California, New Mexico, Texas and Nevada. And, in the next 10 to 15 years, these half dozen “majority-minority” states will likely be joined by as many as eight other states where whites now make up less than 60% of the population.
Census Bureau projections show that the U.S. population will be “majority-minority” sometime between 2040 and 2050. Our research suggests that this will happen around 2044. Indeed, in 2020, there are projected to be more nonwhite children than white children in the U.S.
The nonwhite population is growing more rapidly than the white population. Minorities accounted for 92% of the U.S. population growth between 2010 and 2018, with Latinos comprising just under half of the nation’s overall growth.
Behind the trends
Why are the numbers of white people declining, and why are nonwhite numbers increasing? The answer is basic demography: births, deaths and immigration.
White women have an average of 1.7 children over their lifetimes, while Latina women average 2.2. The total fertility rates of blacks, Asians and American Indians are in between. So whites have fewer births than all nonwhite groups.
There are also big differences in age structure. Sixty-two percent of Latinas 15 years of age or older are of childbearing age. Only 42% of white women fall into this group. Latinos also have lower mortality rates than whites. Demographers call this the “epidemiological paradox.”
In 2015, for the first time, there were more white deaths in the U.S. than white births. Indeed, as of 2016, in 26 states, whites were dying faster than they were being born. The states with more white deaths than white births include California, Florida, Pennsylvania and Michigan.
How about immigration to the U.S.? Of the more than 43 million foreign-born people living in the U.S. in 2015, 82% originated in Latin America and Asia. Only 11% were born in Europe. So whites don’t increase their representation in the U.S. via immigration.
The future of whiteness
The aging white population, alongside a more youthful minority population, especially in the case of Latinos, will result in the U.S. becoming a majority-minority country in around 2044.
The demographic shift in the U.S. has resulted in many whites proclaiming that they are losing their country, and that they already are or will soon become a minority group.
In her research on working-class whites in rural Louisiana, sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild observes that many whites feel frustrated and betrayed, like they are now strangers in their own land. In Trump, they saw a white man who brought them together to take their country back. Hochschild points out that at a Trump campaign rally, whites held signs with slogans such as “TRUMP: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” and “SILENT MAJORITY STANDS WITH TRUMP.”
The decline of the white share of the U.S. population could result in the shifting of racial boundaries to assign whiteness to some people of color so as to bolster the white numbers.
This has happened before. Groups that were initially seen as very different from whites, such as the Irish and Italians, once sought to distance themselves from blacks, and eventually were accepted as white.
In addition, although persons of Mexican origin largely identified racially as white, in the 1930 census “Mexican” was used as a racial category, at a time when there was heightened hostility against Mexicans due to their growing population size and the Great Depression.
But any future changes cannot override demography. The U.S. will never be a white country again.

To Russia With Love, For The White European Christian Race!
April 24-2014 Email To US Congress
April 24-2014
RE: Response To The Russian-Ukraine-USA Crisis
Dear Esteemed Members of Congress:
We as a nation, need to re-examine our government’s motivations, attitudes, behavior and corruption in relation to our beloved White Christian European Descent Race worldwide. Our recent position breaks with our country’s historical position regarding the treatment of Russia. We should not create another Cuban Missile Crisis as did Democratic President John Kennedy.
Our beloved Russian Allies fought against Nazi Germany alongside the United States of America and all our allies against the ‘Axis of Evil’ assisting victory over Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Germany! Followed by the cold war in the 1950-1990’s, Russia and the United States became staunch allies in strategic international affairs of national security importance to the White Christian European Descent Race, especially Russia and the United States regarding nuclear missiles, nuclear materials, and in aerospace we became the closest of friends.
During the Sedition of America, Russia has become one of our Staunchest Allies, helping to ensure my safety along with the US Congress/US Military from Dictator to Dictator in the hopes I, Silvia Stagg, your last good gnome could could rise before the next angry Dictator destroys the planet we are struggling to save!
My Dear Members of Congress, Russia is our strong Friend who should be properly respected and feared. Historically, China threatens to attack the United States of America with nuclear bombs, whenever angered while they destroy the manufacturing base of the United States of America and now Europe! Russia has not done so to date. Additionally, Russia has been keeping our USA Built International Space Station Safe providing Aerospace Flights to USA NASA Astronauts. This USA International Space Station may Illegally be given to Japan, yet another Minority Founded/Ruled Country who has a history of Nazi Germany Allegiance attacking us at Pearl Harbor-Hawaii and receiving the USA’s counter attack! Are we going to allow the narcissistically enraged Barack Obama to continue to self destruct with USA Black Ops Technology and Nuclear Weaponry and/or Destroy yet another White Christian European Descent Country? Recently, the media reported that Russia won the election for reunion with the Ukraine and the United States under the Black Racist Barack Obama angered by the Russian Victory, now using Anti-Putin Demonstrators to destabilize the Ukraine and Russia relations, and possibly launch Russia into War with the United States by appointing United States Soldiers at the Ukraine Boarder and US Navy Warship in the southern waters of the Ukraine!
Since the President George W. Bush Presidency, Russia has repeatedly voiced her willingness to become an Independent United States Territory as agreed within the World’s Audience regarding the worldwide national security discussions of implementation of the Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs by the United States of America, George W. Bush Presidency, US Congress, and most world governments. Are we going to keep going against what for so long we have fought for-just to murder more white flesh-hasn’t the USA murdered enough? Our Race is faced with Race Extinction and we have an Insane black ops tech altered Black Racist African Negro Indigenous Race Member in the White House armed to his fangs with Black Ops Technology and Nuclear weapons pointed at everyone except himself! Let us Impeach and Remove Barack Obama, and put our lives back together against peacefully with mutual respect. Sen Rand Paul and Sen Marco Rubio and others are interested in my campaigning with them as the REP/IND Presidency-Vice Presidency, let us go forward into the future to rebuild our lives!
Under Black Racist President Barack Obama, we are suddenly considering war between Russia and the United States when only yesterday we were good friends overall through thick and thin! Shall this be a Third World War? Will this entertain Mr. Barack Obama, as he murders more White Christian European Descent Race Members? He is already getting away with five to twenty five million tortured murders via black ops technology of the White Christian European Descent Race as reported by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. It is time for former President George W. Bush to stop preaching war against Russia, as he has an on/off relationship with our world, he and his father responsible for the two World Trade Center Attacks and ultimate destruction of the World Trade Center both launching the United States into war. Now, his brother, former Floridian Governor Jeb Bush has announced his Presidential Campaign. Most likely, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is going to Support War with Russia, and No Life Extension like Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton who has a mass murdering brain tap, who has given us the World’s Arab Spring destabilizing the Arab World most likely due to the Obama Mole Network facilitating the mid eastern Domino Effect. Day After Day, I cannot allow our beautiful plans for a beautiful world to be destroyed by another Insane President with no conscience! The White Christian European Descent Race must grow up, and stop murdering itself!
I hope Russian President Vladimir Putin will consider speaking at the United Nations or EEC in Europe. Unfortunately, I suspect, under threat by Barack Obama the Queen of England, and both Prime Ministers of England have given the go ahead to slaughter more White Christian European Descent Race Members by militarily engaging Russia!
Members kindly stop this inhumanity toward the White Christian European Descent Race who has suffered through the torturous murders of Czsar(s), Monarchies, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and too many to think of presently. We should be considering Most Favored Nation Trading Status with Russia Not Violence against our White Christian European Descent Race (with Orthodox Catholic Heritage)!
Why does not Secretary John Kerry protest the potential murder of innocent men, women and children and soldiers on both sides, as he did against the War in Vietnam, so angry during protesting, John Kerry threw away his three purple heart medals? Why is John Kerry so committed to War with White Christian European Descent Russia? Is John Kerry Body/Mind Altered via our US Military’s Microwave Brainwave Alteration Device? Secretary of State John Kerry should Resign or be Removed From Office! After all, we never had problems keeping the peace with Russia! Why all of the hurry to prepare for battle with Russia? It appears Dictator Barack Obama wants another game of Russian Roulette in which to entertain himself and everyone serves at his pleasure!
Kindly Stop The War Against The White Christian European Descent Race!
Stop The Violence and War Mongering Against Russia!
Silvia Stagg
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
The Getz Ice Shelf – Punta Arenas Chile – West Antarctica
Regardless of All the Land-Air-Sea Pollutants, the Most Dangerous Climactic Changes are Due to Advanced Technology Abuses to Control/Destroy the World’s Population-Food Supply by Determining Who Has Good/Bad Weather – Hot, Cold, Rain, Storms, Tornadoes, Hurricanes -Radiation Anyone? China was/is Targeting USA Food Industry. It Shows In Increased Destruction of the American Farmer, DRYER California Weather, and the Horrific Loss of Oregonian Forest! China Must Be OUSTED From International Unfair Trade!
- Silvia Stagg
Most Trusted Programs Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs on/off Planet
Created by Silvia Stagg

‘Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs’
‘Make Pristine The World I – II’
Above: Photo Courtesy of Smithsonian Magazine – Balloon At Arctic!
Above: Photo Courtesy of Smithsonian Magazine – Arctic Penguins Lineup!
I) ‘Make Pristine the World I’
Excerpts from the Affidavit describing some of the core of Most Trusted Programs created/written by Silvia Stagg since 2002 to date-Mandatory Stipulations/Conditions and Issues to be Addressed-Remedied-After Impact/Infinity Studies are Performed, with Black Ops Technology we shall install:
‘Make Pristine the World I’ repairs/restores and recreates Earth’s Eco-System/Environment, land, atmospheric layers including our depleted ozone layer, and all bodies of water, (The Entire Physical Planet:Land-Air-Sea). It installs a lite semi-permeable satellite array shield around the Earth and it resets/restores the Earth’s Orbit and Polar Axis to maintain a safe and optimal Eternal Life existence. ‘Make Pristine the World I’ installs forestation-reforestation of our most valuable, necessary, strongest trees/vegetation and it installs additional natural reservoirs, and lakes even rivers whenever necessary while raising the various coastal areas surrounding bodies of water including lakes and rivers. We have to modify/cleanse the sometimes very dirty and insect, rodent, snake infested wetland areas worldwide.
I. Additionally, we may use Satellite Shields placed around the Earth to prevent the most harmful Solar Flares-Solar Storms-Solar Rays constantly bombarding our atmosphere including the Ozone Layer, eroding it over time. The safe limits of natural temperatures of planet Earth shall be restored. There will be no more Polar Ice Meltdown causing lethal flooding and tumultuous Monsoon Rains-Hurricanes-Tornadoes and other harmful weather. Temperatures on ground in Deserts, The North Pole and South Pole will be monitored and controlled to allow travel and residential living within advanced infrastructure limits.
II. Furthermore, Earth’s layer of ground, bedrock, crust, mantle, and any fractures and disintegration therein (also exacerbated by Nuclear Atomic Explosion Devices, and Unsafe Mining/Drilling reaching down into the Earth’s Crust and beyond) will be repaired and restored. And Earth’s various bodies of water and atmospheric layers are repaired and restored. All of the foregoing of Earth’s Entire Physicality will be restored to its Pristine State existing Three Thousand years ago. The Earth’s Nuclear Core and the many layers of Earth’s ‘Ground-Soil-Bedrock-Crust-Mantle’ must be repaired and restored.
III. Tectonic Plate Movement which causes destruction in the various landmasses worldwide via lethal Earthquakes or Su Nami Waves will be Disallowed once we create a balanced weight distribution around Earth’s Nuclear Reactor Core, allowing only the most necessary shielded buffered Release of Excess Pressure to be Expulsed from within Earth’s Core!
IV. We shall raise Trees to preferred heights of (50′) Fifty Feet placed (25′) Twenty Five to (35′) Thirty Five feet apart depending on the type of tree chosen at each site, and we shall choose the strongest most valuable trees/vegetation to reforest worldwide of most benefit to human beings and domestic and wild animal life.
V. We shall raise all coastal and inland water coastline a minimum of (5′) Five Feet, to prevent the most dangerous flood episodes and use shields to prevent more serious flooding while we allow for variances in the natural weather. Areas we shall consider, for increased granite-mixed rock-soil drainage and build-up are:
(A) The southern portion of the United States of America from North Carolina to Yucatan Peninsula-Mexico, and (B) Eastern/Western Coastal areas of the United States, and (C) Caribbean Islands, and (D) Mexico, and (E) South America, and (F) Europe especially Holland & Italy, and (G) China/Hong Kong, and (H) Japan, and (I) Taiwan, and (J) The Philippines, and (K) Malaysia, and (L) Indonesia, and (M) other Islands, and (N) other Countries as the need becomes apparent.
VI. Implementation of Reforestation-Trees will be Infinitely maintained to remain at least (50′) Fifty Feet in Height. Trees Chosen for Inclusion of Massive Worldwide Reforestation which will also add to the World’s Food Supply are as Follows: 1) Walnut Trees, and 2) Weeping Willow, and 3) Oak Trees, and 4) Douglas Fur Trees, and 5) Hickory Trees, and 6) Maple Trees, and 7) Giant Sequoia Trees, and 8) California Giant Redwood Trees (planted at least 100′ from each other), and 9) Cherry Trees, and 10) Peach Trees, and 11) Ficus Trees, and 12) Citrus Trees, and 13) Tangerine Trees, and 14) Date Trees, and 15) Fig Trees, and 16) Banana Trees, and 17) Cherry Blossom Trees, and 18) Chestnut Trees, and 19) Acorn Trees, and 20) Pear Trees, and 21) Avocado Trees, and 22) Green Olive Trees, and 23) Black Olive Trees, and 24)Hearty Trees with Scented Flowers/Fruit: such as Honeysuckle with Purple Honeyberrie, Lavender, Lilac, and 25) Cocau Trees, and 26) Coa Coa Trees/Plants, and 27) Mahogany Trees, and 28) Ebony Trees, and 29) Zebra Trees, and 30) Papaya Trees, and 31) Mango Trees, and 32) Coconut Trees, and 33) Belly Palm Tree found in Cuba, and 34) Large Hearty Exotic Flowers, and 35) all known Herbs, and 36) All Other Hearty Flowers: Roses, Tulips, Carnations, et al, etc., and 37) Various Cactus Trees, and 38) Yucca Trees, and 39) Aloe Trees/Plants, and 40) Desert Flowers, such as Yellow Desert Flower, and 41) Sun Flowers, and 42) Passion Flowers, and 43) Water Lillie’s, and 44) Lotus Flowers, and 45) Purple Coneflower, and 46) Orange California Poppies, and 47) All Flowers-Berries-Cherries which are Ingestible and have health-medicinal and food supplement benefits as per FDA/Food and Drug Administration. 48) Grasses and Mosses natural to each area. Note: Spanish Moss, though, beautiful may be limited. There will be other Inclusions in this list.
Note: (1) Irrigation natural or man made for Reforestation will be provided for by the Program ‘Make Pristine the World I’ (2) Physics Studies will be performed to arrive at the best method of protecting All Dimensions of Existence, including time, space, matter. Satellites, may offer protection without the possible negative consequences which may occur utilizing more intrusive technologies!

Encompasses The Following:
(2) Dairy Farm (bottling/cannery/packaging and distributes it various milk-egg-cheese products); and
(3) Cattle Framing shall utilize EMS To Extract about 10% Monthly of the Steer's Weight For Food Instead of Slaughter); and
(4) Fishery/Nursery (EMS Extraction, same as Steer); and
(5) Water Filtration-Purification and Desalination and Water Waste Treatment-Filtration-Purification-Desalination Plant and Refuse Refuse Disposal and Recycling Station Back Into ECO System for further Purification. Water Storage Plant-Water Waste Treatment Plant.
(6) Water Waste Treatment Refuse
(6) Active Passive Solar Opaque Energy with Solar Mechanical Room Manufacturing Plant with Parts Labor & Repair and Distribution Center; and
(7) Sugarcane Ethanol and Jatropha Bio-Diesel Farm, Manufacturing Plant, Storage, and Distribution Center; and
(8) Natural Gas and Endless high Methane For Fuel Production. High Cow Methane levels expected worldwide with Non Slaughter Policy; and
(9) Non Slaughter Policy via EMS Exyraction For Sheep-Goats-Pigs-Chickens-Ducks with Farming and Food Processing/Production-Packaging-Shipping-Storage.
Note: Both Sugarcane and Jatropha (Jatropha needs no processing) are grown in the great state of Florida during the tenure of Governor Charles Crist’s of Florida. Lets hope, the Great State of Florida continues its Plan to provide effective and inexpensive fuels.

III) ‘Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs’ – Federally Legislated State Government Interim-Emergency Debt Payment:
(2) 1% For Capped Water Wells for each Residence/Commercial Property (American Business Consortium).; and
(3) 1% For All Schools Except College/Universities; and
(4) 1% For Water Reservoirs-Rerouting Water-For Example: Salton Sea Replenished, Redirected (with Water Reclamation-Desalination-Water Purification Plant) in Southern California to become a major source of water for the nearby communities.; and
(5) 1% Highways (No Tolls)-Roads -Sidewalks-Gutters-Traffic Light Operations/Repairs; and
(6) 1% Bridges (No Tolls Allowed); and
(7) 1% All Locomotive/Train/Rail Transportation; and
(8) 1% Transit Authority/Buses; and
(9) 1% State/City Government Civil Service Salaries; and
(10) 1% State/City Law Enforcement Salaries and Equipment/Office Equipment; and
(11) 1% State/County Prisons; and
(12) 1% Sugarcane Ethanol and Jatropha usage by Government. Companies reimbursed for conversion of Operations-Manufacturing Plants w/Retooling, etc.; and
(13) 1% Reforestation
IV) Most Trusted Programs: All Necessary Products and Services Supplied by Each Country's Workforce and by Each ‘Hub’ To Ensure Socioeconomic Independence-Betterment-Defense-Posterity!
Each varied diameter Hub (Spacehubusa is Co-Headquarters For All Most Trusted Programs and another Most Trusted Headquarters will be located at Arlington-VA at Crystal Plaza Towers which will be modified) is divided into Eight Pie Sections offering the best in residential, education-library-museum, commercial, industrial farming, entertainment sports, recreation and wildlife/nature sanctuaries! The Main Shielded Residential Community Commercial Building (SRCCB) contains Space/Units for: Residential, Community Commercial, Lite Industrial, Schools NUR-High School some Colleges, Libraries, Entertainment, etc.

V) Most Trusted Programs Federal-State Government Downsizing-Consolidation Plan A/C
Most Trusted Programs created by Silvia Stagg (so named Most Trusted by the US Dept of Justice Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller) are Endorsed by the US Congress-US Department of Justice-FBI/Federal Bureau of Investigation-Pentagon-National Security Agency-CIA/Central Intelligence Agency, et al (including most world governments) due to lessons learned and ongoing prolong investigations via Brain Tap-Time Clock Inclusion Feed of past present future events of all Unconstitutional – Seditionary - Anarchistic Activities endangering Governments and Civilians worldwide, to date.

VI) Most Trusted Programs(usa) – Remove Cabinet Positions From Presidency (White House) To Prevent Dictatorship:

VII) Supporters of Most Trusted Programs Enforce US Constitutional Laws:
There will be a Secret US Senate Select Committee which contains Silvia Stagg, the Ten Best Congressional Representatives/Government Personnel, and US Army General Tommy Franks Retired (formerly Commander General of Central Command-US Allied Forces Based In Florida), and former Pentagon US Army Secretary White, and former US White House Chief of Staff-US Army Jack Keane, current and former US Treasury Secretaries and current and former Federal Reserve Chair(s) including Alan Greenspan, former US Attorney Generals Honorable Janet Reno and John Ashcroft, Former DNC/Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, and former RNC/Republican National Committee Chairmans Ken Mehlman and Mike Duncan. And former US Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neil (who traveled to Africa with U2 Rock Singer ‘Bono’ to raise monies for African Aids Patients the First Term of George Walker Bush, a Republican), also Supports with USA-World Governments Most Trusted Programs and Silvia Stagg, Infinitely. Silvia Stagg, also solely owns and operates Spacehubusa (and All ASAPs/Aerospace-Airports worldwide)-SpaceCityusa-Moonbaseusa-Spacestationusa. Spacehubusa is the Headquarters of Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs, and is meant to be used privately for Sil;via Stagg, and as the main office for Silvia Stagg, Permanent Owner-Administrator to permanently operate-supervise-manage the ‘daily operations’ of all Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs on/off planet. All Federal-State Legislation and Government Agency Operations must be reviewed and approved by Silvia Stagg Permanent Owner - Administrator of Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure and Junior Administrators assisting Silvia Stagg along with the United States Congress. No USA Government Agency, Nor the United States Congress, Nor World Government can limit-modify-close Most Trusted Programs without the Written Notarized Signature on said Document with the Informed Free Consent of Silvia Stagg, for purposes of bringing about positive Socioeconomic Growth or Protective Measures per Infinity Series Issues to the Mean Life Span of Sustain Life of the White European Christian Race with as high a Quality of Life Standard as is humanely possible.

VIII) US Constitutional Government Enforced-MTP/Most Trusted Programsusa Ownership-Administration Issues worldwide-on off planet:
As cited in our US Constitution, we will continue with Federal Government housed in each State Capitol and District of Columbia-Washington-DC, and State Government housed in each State Capitol only. Each State shall contain only one Federal and State Body of Government. All City-County and other Federal-State-County-Local Governments with No City-No Local-No Village-No Township whatever named, shall be allowed to continue as a Government Entity due to historical heinous psychotic corruption and bullying, stalking, harassing, endangering, brainwashing, and herding the public to their deaths, as they cry for freedom! The County District Attorney's office shall be closed. The Public Library shall be resumed under the auspices of Most Trusted Programs on/off planet, a Non Government Entity.
(A) All Prior STATE-COUNTY-CITY-LOCAL-TOWNSHIP-VILLAGE Codified Laws MUST OBEY – MUST CONFORM to US Constitutional Federal Statutes and Federal Codified Laws; State Constitution and Codified Laws run second to the US Constitution unless specifically stated otherwise in US Constitution.
(B) During Constitutional Conversion of the VARIOUS WORLD Governments, their infrastructure and processes of Government, on all levels of Government, mandatory Review and Conform to Higher Constitutional Protections-Rights-Responsibilities-Freedoms-Privileges shall fall under the United States Constitution whenever so desired by each new USA Territory Citizen as well to be used within the Judicial - Legal Process of Law. All Codified Laws Worldwide shall be reviewed and discussed between US Congressional members and Members of the other highest Legislatures along with Most Trusted Programs to assure the most freedom and protections abound for our various beloved society. Every White European Christian Race Citizen of Every White European christian Race Founded Country has a 'Natural Right' to Life-Liberty-Pursuit of Happiness-Betterment-Defense-Posterity mandated by Most Trusted Programs. Therefore, there are bound to be minor but necessary changes as the many years go by without upset to these Natural or Constitutional Rights.
(C) The aforementioned and herein is easier once Silvia Stagg inhabits the Office of the US Presidency and/or Permanent Vice Presidency as per US Congress mandate.
(D) Some large Cities such as New York City (Manhattan) will retain its Federal-State Government Agencies. However, the Most Trusted Program is designed to streamline (Downsize and Consolidate) Government, and protect and empower the Citizens of the United States of America (White Christian European Descent Race Members) who will manage and operate All Hubusa locations with Silvia Stagg (Owner-Permanent Senior Administrator) protecting Civilian Constitutional Rights acting as an Intermediary between the public and government.
(E) Most Trusted Programsusa and its Headquarters along with Spacehubusa i/will be permanently owned-managed-operated by Silvia Stagg with No Government-No Military at any location, nor is Government-Military allowed to travel off planet. The State at the ‘State Capitol’ located at the Each of Fifty State Capitol HUB Cities composed of a varies number of Private and Commercial and Government Most Trusted Programsusa Buildings of various sizes and shapes due to the size of the Hub and the desire and need of the population. The entire Most Trusted Programsusa Capitol Hub System (50 USA Hubs plus Mexico which shall be given to Silvia Stagg as Sanctuary for Good Gnome Individuals such as herself targetted, persecuted, tortured, and murdered, and to date, nearly all but Silvia Stagg murdered for being good people, who would institute Government and Societal Reforms to Save-Empower-Better-Defend the White European Christian Race from Race Extinction. The Actual Physical MTP Infrastructure is owned-controlled-managed-operated by Silvia Stagg who recognizes and bestows 100% 'Natural Rights' of all Advanced Technologies to the White European Christian Race worldwide, at various degrees of trust and responsibility per Brain Tap - Time Clock Future Events, so that, most Countries shall receive limited use hardware technology applications into their Residences, Commercial and Government locations including each White European Christian Race Founded/Operated Capitol Hub City. Silvia Stagg was gifted 51% of all of the World's Mineral Resources, by World governments, and she made exceptions to Oil and Natural Gas.
(F) The US Government via Presidents, Cabinet, US Congress, and State Governors has repeatedly asserted Silvia Stagg should be appointed permanent President and/or Vice President of the United States of America per her wishes to Infinitely maintain as Owner-Senior Administrator ‘Most Trusted Programs’ on/off planet. Silvia Stagg passed a 150 Billion year (Plus) Brain Tap-Time Clock Investigation for Future Events. Before/After serving as US President, Silvia Stagg agreed to accept the position of Permanent Vice President to remain safe and empowered and to maintain Most Trusted Programsusa on/off planet within our Democratic System of Government which elects a US President every Four Years, necessitating a Constitutional Amendment to further absorb Silvia Stagg's lawful Right (9th Amendment) to Infinitely Campaign-Be Elected To US Presidency-Vice Presidency due to the Circumstances of Historical Mass Murderous Anarchy and her work to end such Anarchy and create - reinstall Democracy at its finest as meant by our Creator.
(G) The United States Congress authorized Silvia Stagg personally and as Owner-Permanent Senior Administrator of All Most Trusted Programsusa on/off planet to mine-clone-mint-print Currency and Coin including for the United States of America and the World for All Debts Public and Private and to Ensure the Socioeconomic Success/Stability of the Most Trusted Programs (including the privately owned/controlled Spacehubusa (and its ASAPs/Aerospace -Air Ports worldwide/on-off planet Earth)-SpaceCityusa-Moonbasesusa-Spacestionusa). Thus assuring the survival of Silvia Stagg, allowing future Good Gnome Individuals to survive and become empowered to lead society-government, and the survival of the White Christian European Descent Race, nearly driven into race extinction systematically via a history of race emasculation and disenfranchisement nationwide/worldwide by the non good gnome society/government historically in power. (Silvia Stagg is reportedly last good gnome who has been instructed since February 2002 by the United States Government to disseminate the Good Gnome into the White Christian European Descent Race (and upon brain tap-time clock inclusion study possibly some/all Minority Persons).
To reiterate, disseminating the good gnome into all of the White Christian European Descent Race Members (its natural evolutionary step and rightful recipient) assures the population of the United States of America and its Government are never again controlled by Dictatorship Presidencies (who will mass murder and systematically dismantle the intricate Socioeconomic design of the Government of the United States nor Bankrupt the USA/United States of America nor Countries Abroad) as is the problem today during Rampant worldwide Black Ops Technology Seditionary - Anarchistic Activities leaving all Human Beings vulnerable to disastrous mind turns, torture, rape, murder, death and socioeconomic destruction.
Additionally, Denial or Threat of Denial of Socioeconomic Entitlements including Social Security Retirement or Social Security Disability Insurance Payments (as repeatedly threatened by Barack Obama) to the public is disallowed under law and should carry the Death Penalty/No Eternal Life-No Life Extension-No Healing. Such an irresponsible tactic used by Barack Obama to force the US Congress to agree to his Terms regarding ‘The National Budget’ must continue to be criticized for Barack Obama’s Malice and Disregard for the Public’s Welfare! Our beloved and esteemed House Rep Republican Paul Ryan better behave as well and not dismantle Social Security!
(H) The Annual Minimum Wage for All Employment – Subcontracting is One Hundred Thousand US Dollars Net (US$100,000.00) to be taxed at a Rate of Ten Percent (10%) Annually Per Person/Per Individual.
(I) MTP/Most Trusted Programsusa will have One-Two Buildings in each State (there are Fifty States) at each Capitol-Hub-Hubusa with employees selected-hired-dismissed by Silvia Stagg (a good gnome individual) who is/was already permanently appointed during the Bush Administration as Permanent Owner-Senior Administrator-Protected Person Of All Territory-Resources Off Planet Earth and Permanent Owner-Permanent Senior Administrator of all Most Trusted Programs and its Resources on Planet Earth. Silvia Stagg has permanently allocated Partial – Joint Ownership with and by the General Masses of Most Trusted Programs for which each Individual Earns Stockmarket Dividend Payments amounting to US $1,000,000.00 (One Million US Dollars) Annually to be taxed at Ten Percent (10%) Annually Per Individual.
IX) Government Downsized/Consolidated-Aerospace Demilitarized-US Aerospace Training-Issues of House Arrest:
As per US Government/US Congress mandate and agreement worldwide, Silvia Stagg owns/operates ALL of Spacehubusa (ASAP locations)-SpaceCityusa-Moonbaseusa-Spacestationusa HUBS/Locations. All Most Trusted Programs locations Shall Have No Government-No Military Present in its daily operations, and it is operation by Civilian Citizens and Silvia Stagg. Our US Congress-US Government and Most Governments want a Demilitarized Space. The State Capitol Hubusa will house the majority of all limited Federal-State and County Government and all Hubusas will house limited/downsized City/Municipal Government which will perform the following:
(A) All Local Government Will Be Closed, Downsized and Consolidated Into the State at County Government Including City Hally Government Services some of which are; Code Enforcement, Parks, Roads, Water/Plumbing, Traffic Lights, Library, and School System, as per Most Trusted Program Guidelines. The County Government which will also be downsized and consolidated into itself and the State shall by way of their former County Legislature (Mandatory 16/Sixteen Persons, Two Persons per Pie Ring Section) shall provide along with Most Trusted Programs Staff (including Silvia Stagg) all of the necessary operational oversight which includes dismissal by Silvia Stagg if she deems necessary for any reason. It should be noted that all Schools will be privatized and owned by their Dean of Students, Assistant Deans, Superintendants, and Teachers who receive a minimum annual salary of US$100,000.00! To raise monies for nursery – high school, Donations will be requested not mandated at every school location and in correspondence.
(B) There will be No Local Government No County Government whatever named. The State Government shall be Downsized and Consolidated. That also means: No City Mayor-No Municipal Mayor-No Village Mayor-No Township Mayor.; and
(C) There will be No Local Police-No City Police-No Municipal Police-No Village Police Department and No City Prosecutor-No Local Prosecutor-No Municipal Prosecutor and No Village Prosecutor.; and
(D) NO LOCAL Government whatever named: The City Government or Local Government or Village Government or Township Government, however named, will abolished nationwide effectively immediately due to historical widespread heinous corruption and destruction of the lives of the population, exploding into a nationwide.
To avoid too much government, All of the Previous Local Government Services will be Closed Down, or Downsized and Consolidated into the Privatized Commercial Sector if not picked up by the State.
All Codified City/Village/Township Laws must be Reviewed and Conformed to Federal and State Constitutions. Federal and State Constitutional Legislation Preserves our Most Trusted Programs Infinite Socioeconomic Infrastructure which will be modified as needed upon the wishes of Silvia Stagg to remain current to necessary evolutionary changes regarding the Infinitely Series Life Extension Requirements and Conserving Natural Resources and Eco Systems on/off planet
(E) There will be NO County Sheriff and NO County District Attorneys due to historical False Arrests and Wrongful Convictions and Death Sentences.
(F) Generally:
House Arrest shall be the Preferred Punishment except for murder, espionage, technology related offenses illegal brain tap and time clock inclusion feed related criminal offenses such as body/mind alterations or bonds or attitudinal adjustment(s) or rape, thefts of one's soul, kidnapping, espionage, violent terrorism or anarchy murder or mass murder. White Collar Criminal Offenses Shall Be Reviewed for correct legal status and Fines or community service given guilty heinous perpetrators.
Voluntary Manslaughter cases where 'malice of forethought intent top harm but victim dies instead' is known but the case of murder I-II, cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt’ is still a good choice for the Prosecutor to Request the ‘Death Penalty’
Note: In New York State, Generally, Murder I Indictments are sought for Murder against Law Enforcement and Indictments for Murder II for Murder against Civilians.
The Generally Punishment: House Arrest with A Security Gate Replacing the Front Door of the Residence of those Persons Convicted of All Criminal Allegations-Indicted-Detained is temporarily installed during ‘Prison Sentence-Detention.’ House Arrest is the best method of punishment Providing for all Individual and Societal needs inherent in these important and tragic circumstances.
All House Arrest Visitors, especially: family, doctors, dentists, priests, pharmacists, nutritionists, attorneys, close friends, media, and allowed government personnel will have access to those Punished-Detained including Silvia Stagg.
Silvia Stagg must inspect, review, investigate and respond to any Indictment, Arrest, or Detainment, or Conviction, or Punishment Sought Against Any Human Being or Animal by anyone including the US Congress, Independent Counsel, Special Prosecutors, Any Jurisdiction of Prosecutor, Presiding Judge, including US Supreme Court Justices, et al. Brain Tap - Time Clock Verification of any Criminal Offense, Allegation, Indictment, Trial, Conviction, Appeal, must be Including in any given case as mandated Evidence.
Thereby, preventing Dictatorship by way of preventing False Arrest and Illegal Detention or in cases when cruel and inhuman treatment is alleged disallowed by our US. Silvia Stag will also be allowed to review and free Innocent Persons and change any unconstitutional circumstance or practice such as cruel and inhuman punishment as per our US Constitution.; and
(G) Arrest or Detainment or Death Penalty is Disallowed for the person of Silvia Stagg, a good gnome DNA Individual incapable of the criminal mind. Furthermore, no more than House Arrest after Trial by Jury of 12 or Supreme Court Justices and all Members of Congress may Sit In Judgement of the person known as Silvia Stagg, and they may not render more than One Year of House Arrest/Detention should there be any viable allegation raised and formally acknowledged to question the Non Arrest-Non Detention-Non Death Penalty Policy for Silvia Stagg.
(H)Silvia Stagg as per the United States Government has been gifted Spacehubusa-Most Trusted Programs on/off planet along with all Territories off planet earth. And this ownership never changes, even if all USA Born White Christian European Descent Race Government Personnel and USA Born Citizenry Indict-Convict the person of Silvia Stagg. This protection must be allowed as Silvia Stagg’s Brain Tap/Scan with Time Clock shows no criminal offense will ever be committed by she, Silvia Stagg. Henceforth, all Indictments/Convictions of Silvia Stagg are to be held INFINITELY suspect by a society who targeted their last good gnome individual, namely, Silvia Stagg, and encouraged her to campaign for the office of the US Presidency to save and empower herself and our beloved White Christian European Descent Race, especially USA Citizenry of same race.; and
X) Ownership-Currency/Coin-Permission To Secede From Union:
A) To Protect and empower Silvia Stagg and the general public (US Citizenry especially lawful) and the Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs and actual properties limitless as they are, the US Congress-US Government-World Governments granted permanent ownership and administrative control to Silvia Stagg on/off planet Earth as well as all that become accumillated by ‘The Most Trusted Programs’ including and not limited to Most Trusted Programs(usa) including Headquarters’ (which shall house All Advanced Technology) and is to be located, operated and under ownership, supervision, control by Silvia Stagg who is usually found at Spacehubusa Headquarters (300 Miles Diameter) or at any location desired by Silvia Stagg on or off planet such as another Spacehubusa, or a Moonbase or Spacestation or Aerospace Ship. Silvia Stagg will be communicating with any Member of the US Congress monthly or daily or weekly especially during emergency circumstances. And Silvia Stagg will give at least an Annual Report to Congress of Most Trusted Programs Operations. Silvia Stagg will take part in Training Students at the Most Difficult coursework (such as Aerospace Training) to ensure highest levels of Performance!Based on past, current and future Corruption Issues, it is deemed necessary, that Silvia Stagg must decide to whom and what to report. However, with the Good Gnome a Non Corrupt Society is anticipated Silvia Stagg and Most Trusted Programs must ensure Total Good Gnome dissemination into the population Furthermore, no one actively employed by the government nor military (civilian militia not included) may travel off planet to further safeguard aerospace travel and life.
B) Silvia Stagg also owns and controls All HUB ASAPs worldwide on/off planet and other Territories, to be protected lands and considered to be nor more than US Territories. Silvia Stagg and owns Fifty Percent (50%) of each of the Fifty (50) State Capitol Hubusa(s) along with our Country’s White Christian European Descent Race US Born Citizenry who owns Forty Percent of Each of the Fifty (50) US State Capitol Hubusa(s) (40%) and only Ten Percent (10%) of the remaining Hubs-Hubusa’s are to be owned/controlled by the US Government/State Government on behalf of the People of the United States and that State at Interest mostly if not all, located at their respective Ring Pie Section housing Federal-State Buildings and Personnel.
C) Additionally, it is hoped that there will be no further major Socioeconomic Nor Physical Infrastructure changes made by each new Congress, President, Vice President or Governor outside Most Trusted Programs. We seek to limit the Constitutional Rights of Government to Exercise ‘Confiscation/Seizures with Just Compensation’ and ‘Eminent Domain.’ Though, Just Compensation is Determined it is rarely if ever just, fair or equitable! For example: The large Electric Towers in most Communities are not necessary with active passive solar energy, and they are dangerous to the community, also producing an obstacle, and they are ugly! ; and
D) Silvia Stagg shall also create a Secret US Senate Select Committee To Infinitely Protect Silvia Stagg and Most Trusted Programs(usa) on/off Planet and Ensure Its Safe and Private Daily Operations. And Once Annually, The Full Secret US Senate Select Committee shall compile a ‘Report of Operations with Future Projections’ (after brief and cursory inspection of Most Trusted Programs(usa) and report to the Hierarchy of the US Congress (US House of Representatives and US Senate Majority/Minority Whips and Party Leaders and House Speaker and US Senate Judiciary Committee and Government Oversight Committee Chairmen) and to the Public via ‘Internet/Print’ with privacy/secrecy issues blackened on each Report and each Report must be reviewed and issued public by consent of Silvia Stagg as she deems fit. Silvia Stagg shall appoint the Secret US Senate Select Committee Members who are employed/paid by Silvia Stagg. And Silvia Stagg may dismiss any Secret US Senate Select Committee member without explanation. Additionally, Silvia Stagg controls and performs ALL On/Off Planet Most Trusted Programs(usa) Personnel Appointments and Dismissals at will, and this includes Personnel Appointments-Dismissals For Spacehubusa-Moonbaseusa-SpaceStationusa-SpaceCityusa. Note: ‘ASAP’ is the abbreviation for: AeroSpace-AirPorts.; and
E) Furthermore, Silvia Stagg may take nearly any action to protect herself and the entire United States population including Most Trusted Programs, and by so doing, may and is given authority to: ‘Secede’ from the ‘Union’ of these United States of America should corruption-terrorism-sedition once again become apparent. And Silvia Stagg will be allowed to Reinstall another United States of America at a Safe and Distant Location for herself and all willing population taking with them the advanced technology. ; and
F) Only Silvia Stagg can make Sudden, Expeditious, and Emergent Changes, Modifications, Alterations to the Most Trusted Programs and Socioeconomic and Building Infrastructure Including the Universe Known and Unknown Universe, and almost always with full prior knowledge and consent of All People At Interest regarding the consequences (Time Clock will be Publicly Displayed On Internet-Libraries-Museums-SRCCB/Shielded Residential Commercial Community Buildings). However, there may be circumstances when Silvia Stagg acts with little if any Forewarning and for Good Cause (such as Catastrophic Acts of Nature-Life Threatening Situations-Known/Unknown and Universe Structural Issues-Planetary Structural Issues-SuperInfrastructure Issues-Advanced Technology Issues) and In The Best Interests of Herself and All Persons For Whom Silvia Stagg Is Charged To Manage, with Great Care and Concern.; and
G) The US Government especially, The United States Congress and US Presidency and Executive Branch under Former President George W. Bush has empowered Silvia Stagg to mine, clone, mint and print all paper currency and coin for her own private use and for implementation, and permanent operations all Most Trusted Programs Socioeconomic Infrastructure including all buildings as they are located.; and
H) The US Congress and major Governments of the World has given Silvia Stagg the Rights To Mine HALF (49%) Of All Minerals (Except Oil and Natural Gas) for herself personally, to add to her dettrement, defense, and posterity, and should she (Silvia Stag maiden name: Silvia Benitez) so decide in the furtherance of Implementation and Sustainment of Most Trusted Programs (AKA Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs especially Plans A/C) including Currency/Coin and Money’s Intrinsic Value. As we may also use Class AAA Diamonds to back Currency. Furthermore, we must strengthen our World’s Granite/Bedrock Structure. Nature may allow us to build new improved Diamond mines which serve as natural depositories so we do not have to disturb natural Diamond Sources.
XI) The US Postal Service:
The US Postal Services (further protected by Post Roads cited in our US Constitution) will be totally Privatized, and Restored to its original larger and more convenient location status, serving the public six days weekly. Each US Postal Service and All Mail-Cargo Entities-Businesses will be located conveniently in every SRCCB/Shielded Residential Commercial Community Building and Straight-A-Ways Building locations and will include Mail/Cargo Services such as FED EX-DHL-UPS-Global Shipping, et al, (all part of the American Business Consortium guaranteed success equal profit and cost of operations).
XII) US Constitutional Government Worldwide:
To further thwart Seditionary - Anarchistic Activities, All US Territory governments (including European Economic Community and their Individual Countries and other countries such as: Australia-Canada-Mexico-Central and South America-Russia-former Soviet Socialist Republic, et al, founded by White Christian European Descent Countries worldwide) will have to CONFORM to the modified Government of the United States of America with all of the updated Federal-State-County-Local Government Downsizing-Consolidation thoroughly discussed and authorized by US Congress/US Government, et al. The EEC-European Economic Community or EEU-European Economic Union are recognized only as far as member countries who share a Common Military-Coast Guard-National Guard-Migration-Currency (Currency will change to USA Currency with member Country Historical Persons contained therein). Both of our Country Flags are to be flown 7/Seven days weekly from: 6am-6pm, and the ‘US Pledge of Allegiance’ must be recited (where appropriate i.e.: school-government-some group activities, etc.) and US Standardized-Compulsory Education through High School is also mandated. The various World Monarchies will have No Government-Societal Authority. There should be no further Seditionary - Anarchistic Activities given permanent installation of Most Trusted Programs Plans A/C.
XIII) Most Trusted Socioeconomic Perspective Guarantees Success – US Government Needs To Print The Necessary Monies And Pay The National Debt And Negotiate Down/No Interest. And Debt Can Be Paid By Installation of Most Trusted Programs!
We must Free Our Minds and Exercise Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Public Discourse when trying to solve our socioeconomic problems. We must Free Our Minds of the various Types of Agendas or Loyalties which Limit Creative Problem Solving of Socioeconomic Issues! Limiting Individual Concepts, Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions, or Public Thoughts or Public Discourse or Lively Public Debate is Tantamount to Brainwashing, Mind Control, Propaganda, and Media Censorship, all of which are Indicative of an Oppressive Dictatorship!
When we ‘Think Outside The Box’ as we are taught to do in college or university, we realize or learn that currency/coin was/is given as a constructive socioeconomic model and tool, a means to an end, and all money has some ‘Intrinsic Value’ against the ‘Gold Standard’ or any Standard Set by Government to ‘Pay For All Debts Public and Private.’ And this is so, even if a country’s government or monarchy experiences socioeconomic upheaval, recession or depression!
However, the ‘Intrinsic Value’ of money/coin is often used to allow anti-social reactions such as ‘Inflation’ when prices are raised as a result of Government Printing and Circulating More Currency/Coin. The argument being, “more Currency/Coin is needed to ‘Compensate’ for the ‘Devaluation of the Dollar’ due to increased Currency/Coin onto the market, which is more a theoretical viewpoint than a practical or realistically based view.
‘Devaluation of the Dollar’ if one wants to perceive it that way will always occur when more money is circulated. This usually happens when a country’s population increases, or more moneys is needed to be distributed, perhaps due to increases in Grants, Loans, Awards, Salaries, various Compensation, etc. However, more importantly, ‘Inflationary Pricing’ should be Forbidden as it is harmful to all countries.
Today, Countries use ‘Inflationary and Depleted Currencies Rates’ when Trading in International Currency/Coin Exchange’ a practice which should cease as it creates ‘Global Instability.’ International Currency/Coin Trading is a cheap, risky and fun way of making money, and often much money can be made by Banks/Countries who can make Billions when trading in Billions of Dollars!
The Gold Standard against the Dollar-Currency/Coin was created because its creators wanted Currency/Coin to have ‘Intrinsic Value’ which is set by any ruling authority, such as Government or in the past our Monarchies. It does not necessarily mean that when a country prints and circulates more money against the ‘Gold Standard’ the money is actually ‘Devalued.’ It simply means there is more Currency/Dollar Per Ounce of Gold (For Example: The common current Gold to Dollar Standard is US$400 Per Ounce of Gold) and that is all. Some persons, proclaim, the Dollar has been Devalued and they erroneously Raise the Prices for their goods and services.
As a matter of fact, the printing and circulating of more money actually strengthens and enforces our economy. This is often the case when a country’s population increases and/or when more money is needed by any given population. Increased circulation of money is a good thing. When more people have more money, more people can create something called a ‘Synergistic’ Society and Government. When more people spend more money, business, employment, religious, socioeconomic entitlements and philanthropic activities thrive.
In the 1920s’ the United States of America experienced a slowing down of business, known as a recession. And during that time, for ten years, unemployment increased nationwide. The Recession of the 1920s was followed by what is commonly known as the ‘The Great Depression of the 1930s.’ During that time, the Stock Markets in the United States ‘Crashed’ and there was a RUN (a high Demand by Depositors To Withdraw Their Bank Funds to Pay their Bills and daily expenses) on the Banks nationwide by Bank Depositors demanding their deposited monies. The Banks responded by closing. Simultaneously, all United States Banks also ‘Called In All Loans’ that is all Banks Demanded Payment for All Debts including, Real Estate Mortgage Loans or Property Loans, or the Lending Institution would Confiscate the Real Estate or Property of the Debtor unable to Pay the Total Sum of Their Debt, regardless of the Mortgage or Property Loans’ actual ‘Payment Due Date against Interest Set upon the sum borrowed.’ Many people, including my Grandparents lost at least one home during the Great Depression! Some of the initial responses by an unsuspecting population, during the Great Depression of the 1930s, was suicide. The severe stress of the immediate financial destruction, was too harsh for the non good gnome individual to tolerate and some shot themselves or jumped from office windows. Fortunately, yet not enough, compassionate and responsible Communities responded to the Great Depression, by setting up ‘Soup and Bread’ lines used daily by single and family men alike often wearing suite and tie who tirelessly kept looking for work. And finally, our US Congress passed into Law, ‘The Federal Reserve Act’ of the 1930’s which guarantees a certain amount of All Bank Deposits are Federally Insured via Corporations/Programs such as the FDIC/Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Along with Socioeconomic Entitlements, we should never relinquish government installed ‘Socioeconomic Safety Net Protections’ which are hard to come by in a non good gnome world! And there have been other protective socioeconomic laws passed, such as the Social Security Act which must be maintained forever to safeguard the public. Now under attack by corrupt Politicians misusing flawed arguments.
Our Solutions to our socioeconomic problems should not create inconveniences, hindrances nor endanger our population. We must also realize everyone wants to be socioeconomically successful and wealthy. And they should be allowed to be so, without question. Class Systems in some way will always be in effect. We will always find avenues to judge and limit our association with each other and it is correct to do so, when it is correct to do so. However, this President will END harmful Socioeconomic Class Distinctions disallowing otherwise Talented People or deserving Disabled Persons the best socioeconomic lifestyle which money assures. We will not tolerate mandated health problems and death and heinous taxes, class struggle, terrorism, sedition nor forced war, due to incompetent leadership in our governments worldwide! We have advanced technology which can and will make our lives infinitely healthy, moral, sane and socioeconomically fulfilling. We are human beings and we deserve to be treated as human beings and United States Citizens!
One must remember, this is a relatively young country which had to create a totally new system of government and socioeconomic interchange which allows for more freedom! Hence, the entrepreneurial spirit was given wings! Thus, creating our Capitalistic Democracy we have today also known as the ‘American Dream!’ Whereby, millions flock to our shores to reap the rewards. However, as responsible citizens and government, we must be more concerned about the quality of person we allow into our country for any reason. We must continue to ask ourselves, do these new immigrants add to and increase the overall betterment, defense and posterity of the White Christian European Descent Race and the Minority Persons blessed to reside within the United States of America lawfully? Can these new Immigrants assimilate into our society? At some point we must say ‘No’ to an ‘endless revolving door’ of problems inherent in destroying the White Christian European Descent Race and its Culture of America. Without the good gnome dissemination, prevalent in our world permanently would be corruption and incompetence of all kinds destroying the natural processes of evolution and human development which should come to rely on moral utilization of Advanced Technology Solutions. By emasculating, disenfranchising and disallowing the White Christian European Descent Race to Flourish, the decline of our beloved United States of America is assured! Given away is our honor and dignity and privacy as a nation. Our rights and responsibility to maintain our Sovereignty as a Nation and our Secreted Technological Omnipotence including ownership and control over the United States built International Space Station amidst an antisocial world, eventually causes more National Security problems, as we lose our Leadership Status in the world! These problems (civil and human rights violations) beg to be addressed and swiftly remedied by competent leadership in all levels of government, not ‘business as usual!’ Recently, the issue ‘Waterboarding’ and CIA Interrogation and Treatment of Detainee/Prisoner Tactics allowed by the Bush Administration is being publicly reviewed. This is the farthest the Obama Administration has traveled to enter the world of ethical debate and moral treatment to the various levels of socioeconomic existence!
As your National Security Victim Witness turned Candidate, and hopefully someday as your President will Restore America’s Constitutionally Moral and Lawful existence. And we as a nation of National Security Victim Witnesses (some are moles as well) will go beyond former standards which allowed Overt Black Ops Technology Induced Sedition to occur and remain year after year while millions of White Christian European Descent Race Members denied life extension healings march to their tortured death! The Congress, Executive Branch and Judicial Branch of Government must stop protecting the US President of Heinous Black Ops Technology Abuses. All Government including the Executive Branch, Judicial, Legislative and the White House must abide and restore Constitutional Government with higher Moral and Lawful conduct and acknowledge and prevent further misuse of Brain Tap-Time Clock Technology and all Black Ops Technology Abuses which include the Pentagon’s infamous ‘Microwave Background Brainwave Alteration Device used by the Obama Administration to hunt and torture human beings!
Our Advanced Technology, including but not limited to USA Life Extension Technology, USA Advanced Time-Space-Travel Technology must be kept Safe and Secreted within the White Christian European Descent US Citizenry Population as per our historical National Security Requirements.
Unfortunately, powerful enemies of our Race, including enemies from within, conspired and carried out heinous socioeconomic injustices to keep our race from becoming more powerful in the middle class sector, and these conspiracies were/are methodically carried out, against the White Christian European Descent Race. For example, it is well known and reported by the media, that NYC Mayor La Guardia and other nationwide City Mayors disallowed White Christian European Descent Persons to purchase Mortgage Loans for property inside their City limits. Thus, forcing ‘White Flight’ into the country/suburbs of the White Christian European Descent and White Europeans of other Religions such as the Jewish and Islamic. These corrupt Mayors gave Minorities preferential treatment for Mortgage Loans allowing them to purchase real estate inside the City limits of our largest Cities to date. The famous Brownstone Era originally housed the White Race (split into three major religions, the majority being, the White Christian European Descent Founding Race of the United States of America and the most progressive countries worldwide). And for the most part, these neighborhoods housing our famous Brownstone Homes, were turned into Minority Ghettos. Whereby, alcoholism, drugs, prostitution, gambling, and domestic violence prevailed, thus also creating, havens for illegal minority flight, all of the foregoing increasing our Big City’s Crime Rates, such as New York City’s Crime Rate.
However, luckily in the case of New York, we had the esteemed Leadership of Robert Moses who with his statewide Transportation System (highways-bridges-tunnels) connected the country/suburbs of the Five Burroughs along with Long Island City, Long Island, and Upstate New York. Thereby, allowing the White Race (split into three different religions, the majority being the White Christian European Descent Race) to continue to work throughout their state including travel to/from Manhattan Island. Thus, making New York City the Greatest City for Commerce and Trade worldwide! Unfortunately, the disastrous World Trade Center Tragedy of 9/11/2001 ended our financial competition Internationally along with destruction of our Manufacturing Base in Technologies in which we enjoy being the leader! Instead, we were left with a tragic majestic graveyard where our hearts cry… Today, we are preparing to install our Infinite Life Extension and Plan A/Plan C Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Free from oppressive Dictatorship and we must continue to persevere to be successful!
XIV) Brief Summary of Most Trusted Programsusa Socioeconomic Guidelines:
(A) Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs consists of a Modern Technology Asssisted Residential, Community, and Commercial Eco/People friendly Super-Infrastructure in the for of Culturally Sensitive HUBs (Round Shaped Hub with Eight Pie Sections and A Bullet Train Going Up/Down The length of the Pie Section and At Certain Locations the Perimeter and Center around the Diameter of each Hub) and these Hubs shall be installed worldwide raising the standard/quality of life for all persons!; and
(B) The Dollar shall be Standardized worldwide with various country Past-Current-Future Currency Designs.; and
(C) There will be a Flat Income Tax Rate of Ten Percent (10%)!;and
(D) Each Country pays its Born Citizenry One Million Dollars by way of Quarterly Stock Holder Dividend Payments of $250,000.00, in the similar manner as a stockholder! Thereby ensuring socioeconomic equality on some very important level addressing the core of the 14th Amendment.; and
(E) The Minimum Wage For All Employment is $100,000.00! Thereby, ensuring socioeconomic equality on some very important level addressing the core of the 14th Amendment.; and
(F) All Persons are guaranteed One Luxury Smart House either Condominium or Estate House depending on their Genetic predisposition, this is a rent to own home, with no evictions allowed, residence transfers allowed throughout one’s life. The Best US Citizens are allowed to participate in a Land Baron Estate Program which includes one Five Mile Estate Home Custom Built!; and
(G) Interest Rate For All Monies given, loaned, or Insured by the Federal Reserve or FDIC Is No More Than a Penny On A Dollar! All Interest Accrued On All Debt will be forgiven and there is to be no Compounded Interest on any Debt allowed!; and
B) Taxation-All Interest: PER THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION The Public is charged with only making a ‘Fair Contributory Rate’ of WITH HOLDING AKA Taxation oagainst Income and the UNITED STATES CONGRESS is authorized to make said withholding or tax collections authorized a Federal Agency it created known as the IRS/Internal Revenue Service to collect. Interest on Credit Cards or Credit Lines shall not exceed more than (10%) Ten Percent. Higher Taxation after One Trillion Dollars Banked per Individual will be considered but may not exceed One Quarter or One Third of Annual Income, and only on Annual Income above One Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars!; and
C) Currency/Coin: In addition to the US Congress, Silvia Stagg has been given authorization by the United States Congress to Print Currency and Coin for her personal and for use for all of the Most Trusted Programs and this authorization has been extended to include the world Currencies and Coin. D) Annual Minimum Wage of US$100,000.00 Net (One Hundred Thousand US Dollars Net) Per Individual Per Anum Regardless of Type of Employment all of which is Taxed At Ten Percent (10%) Annually.; and
D) Annual Minimum Wage For All Persons Is Fixed At $100,000.00 Net (One Hundred US Dollars Net) Full Time (36 Hours) Per Individual Per Anum Regardless of Type of Employment or Education Background all of which is Taxed At Ten Percent (10%) Annually.; and
E) One Million US Dollars Net Annual Stock Share Dividends Paid To Each Person in Quarterly Payments/Installments of US$250,000.00 Net (Two Hundred Fifty Thousand US Dollars) Paid every Three (3) months Four (4) times a year and Taxed Annually at Ten Percent (10%) Rate of Taxation.; and
F) Regardless of the National Debt, each country’s federal government and state government must ensure DEBT Payment without taking away constitutional and necessary government infrastructure, (i.e. US Postal Mail Processing Centers, USA/International Space Stations, USA Manufacturing Base, USA Technology, etc.). All of the foregoing, compromises the National Security Interest of the White Christian European Descent Race especially those born in the United States of America, and those persons lawfully Naturalized (not by Amnesty Programs, unless otherwise lawful White Christian European Descent Race members) and our USA Born Minority Persons and their families to a more limited extent as per our US Constitution.; and
G) Downsize and Consolidate Federal And State Government To Fifty State Capitals And Largest Cities. Close the Office of the Major, Close All Local/City Police Departments, Close the ‘City Council’ and Rely on the County/State Prosecutor and Sheriff/Sheriff Deputies. The State Capitol will house all State Cabinet Members along with the Governor and All Federal Agencies which interface with Washington-DC, The US Congress, and when appropriate the President, and US Supreme Court. Downsizing and Consolidating Federal-State Government at the ‘State Capitol Hub’s Pie Ring Section’ greatly cuts close proximity corruption, stalking, harassment, mind control and endangerment to the public on the part of the President or Governor in each state and others, while it cuts unnecessary expenditures, wasted taxes.; and
H) Cease/Disallow All Minority Travel/Migration into The United States of America and White Christian European Descent Founded Countries worldwide.
The White Christian European Descent Race founded this country and made it a great country now endangered by Black Ops Technology Sedition causing serious life threatening health problems while our psychotic US Government allows Illegal Migration Of Minority Persons by the millions and Illegally furnishes these Minorities with a ‘Pathway to Citizenship’ as they Illegally DENY the White Christian European Descent Race its rightful Life Extension Healings for over One Hundred Years! Minorities/Indigenous Persons increase the violent crime rate (more black on black crime and black in state prisons than whites) further causing socioeconomic chaos along with government created events of terrorism and war. All of the foregoing causing increased loss of White Christian European Descent Lives and systematic emasculation and disenfranchisement leading to race extinction of the White Christian European Descent Race within One Hundred Years!
See: or: »
The US Census has confirmed that Illegal Migration is artificially changing the Demographics of the United States and by 2046-2050 the White Christian European Descent Race will be a Minority in the United States of America! The world’s Minority Population out numbers the White Christian European Descent Race 6 to 1.
XV) Most Trusted Program(usa): ‘Three Day Work Week’
6AM-6PM Hours Daily: 12×3 days
6AM-6PM Hours Daily: 12×3 days
Full Time Weekly Hours -Total: 36 Hours
Note: With Some Exception Such as Travel-Aerospace-Transportation-Medical No Work on Sundays.
XVI) Most Trusted Program(usa): ‘Salary Differential Compensation Program’
Under Most Trusted Programs, the Minimum Annual Net Salary For All Persons is US $100,000.00 (One Hundred Thousand US Dollars).
A Life of Opulence For All Persons Worldwide, Because We Are Precious!
XVII) Budget Guideline Model For Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs:
Monthly/Annual Basic Budget For A Family of Four Persons 2 Adults-2 Children:
1) Rent-To-Own Mortgage Includes Maintenance For Two Residences
Fee Infinite Rent To Own w/Services Included In Monthly Payment For Each Home
2) Monthly Food - Groceries:
2 Adults w/2 Children
US$ 800.00
3) Utilities
(Heat-Central Air-Water-Elec)
US$ 100.00
4) Phone on/off planet
US$ 100.00
5) Cable on planet (off Free)
US$ 100.00
6) Car Payment/Car Insurance
US$ 200.00
7) Auto/ Vehicular Fuel
US$ 200.00
8) USATravelFreedomCard
Hghwys-Brdgs w/No Tolls)
US$ 100.00
9) Pocket Money
For 2 Heads of Household
US$ 800.00
10) Other Expenses
(i.e. Entertainment)
US$ 400.00
11) Option Boarding School/Camp
12) Personal Expenses Adults/Family
US$ 400.00
13) USAHealthFreedomCard (Max)
US$ 100.00
14) Vacation/Holidays/Birthdays*
US$5,000.00 * Minimum Not Including Off Planet
15) Option: 100′ Ft Sailboat/Motorboat/Jet
16) Aerospace Travel: US$100,000.00 Per Each Person Children Under 21 Free
*17) Annual Stock Dividends
Paid Quarterly, Total: 1 Million US Dollars
(Not Included In Budget)
Total Monthly Expense: US$ 4,400.00
Total Annual Expense: US$52,800.00
(Add Vacation $5,000.00) US$57,800.00
Employee Net Salary: US$100,000.00
Minus Ten Percent Tax: US$ 10,000.00
Minus Annual Expenses: US$ 58,800.00
Remaining Balance: US$ 41,200.00 *
*Not Including Annual One Million Paid To Each Citizen (Permanent Socioeconomic Equality Installed In Most Trusted Programs, Worldwide Life Style Upgrade For All Persons!)
NOTE: ANNUAL Payment Per Individual For (1) Social Services General Welfare with Food Stamps and Medicaid/Medicare; and (2) Social Security Retirement Insurance Benefits or Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits; and (3) Workman's Compensation; and Unemployment Insurance Benefits are all RAISED To One Hundred Thousand US Dollars Paid Out Annually with Food Stamps and Medicaid/Medicare. All Benefits Including Unemployment Are Reviewed/Paid Out Annually, Application Via Residence or Library Computer Using MTP Website Basic One Page Form with Photo Identification Necessary.
An Additional Insurance for Catastrophic Events, which includes Physical Harm to Person, Pets, or Property, of any kind, Including Catastrophic Damage To Families, Residences, Automobiles, Boats, Airplanes, Pets, Family Heirlooms, Will Be Paid Out within 30 Days of Filing Form. Registering The Damaging Event with any available photographs or news stories if possible will assist the filing of claim process, and use of Computer from any Library or Residence is welcome. Thus, Standard of Living and Socioeconomic Balance Remains Intact worldwide.
Personal Injury Claims must be mandated to protect the Plaintiff with Attorneys Fees and Legal Cost of Suit Through Appeal regardless of Attorney Omission or Error when writing/filing pleadings. And All Suits must end in a minimum of One Million US Dollars plus Attorney Fees and Legal Costs of Suit for those Plaintiff's who settle or win at Trial and Appeal. An Additional Fine of One Million US Dollars To Plaintiff, and Double Attorney Fees, and Legal Costs Can Be Levied Upon Defendant For Strong Plaintiff Cases Forced To Trial To Delay or Harm Plaintiff, or Other Acts of Malice, i.e. Frivolous Lawsuits.

XVIII) ‘Most Trusted Standardized Compulsory Education Program – Nursery – High School (NUR-HS)’
The Most Trusted Standardized Education Program for Nursery School-Grammar School-High School. These Standardized Schools though supervised and code enforced by State/Federal Government, are owned by school staff whose minimum salary is US$100,00.00 Net Annual Income, after taxes. Additional monies are earned from a sliding scale dividend which commences after School Operational Expenses are paid monthly. The education is ‘Concentrated’ for two years to ensure a ‘Para Professional Certificate with a High School Diploma, upon completion at the Junior-Senior High School levels known as ‘Concentrated Study.’ The regular School Week is Monday-Friday from 8:00AM to 5:30PM with supervised Study Hall daily and Saturdays except Holidays. Saturday is also set aside for Competitive Activities such as Sports-Music-Dance.:
Public/Private Standardized Compulsory Education Nursery School/Kindergarten/First Grade – Twelfth Grade High School – Monday- Friday 8:00AM – 5:30PM and half day Saturdays. Open for Breakfast/Tutoring with Teachers for Students at 7:00AM – 8:00AM Monday – Friday.:
1) English – 8:00AM – 8:40AM (Forty Minute Class) – Vocabulary Building through Grades First – Twelve (1-12), with ten words learned daily, with meaning written down daily as part of the student homework. Penmanship is also stressed when appropriate. Focus on the Grammar and Sentence Conjugation is mandatory at all levels along with Reading/Book Reading and Newspaper/Current Event Reading and Writing Assignments. Proper Diction is Stressed and Practiced openly in classroom and as needed to thwart inappropriate accent(s) and unclear speech. Grades 2-12 assign monthly book/article reading and 1-3 page essay amounting to 108 books read by High School Graduation (long articles-research papers may once annually substitute 1 book reading assignment arranged by English-History-Science Teachers.
2) Math – 8:40AM – 9:30AM (Fifty Minute Class) – Grades 1-8. Homework in Study Hall or Classroom 36 Minutes. Grades 9-12, 30 Minutes of Homework in Study Hall. Quiz every Monday (10 – 25 questions) to prepare for Midterm – Final Exams.; and
3) Science – 9:30AM – 10:10AM (Forty Minute Class) – Grades 1-8, Homework 36 minutes in Study Hall or Classroom. Grades 9-12, 30 Minutes Homework in Study Hall or Classroom. Grades 2 -12 Coordinate and assign monthly Book readings and accompanying 3 page essay with English-History Teachers. Combination of approximately 108 Books with 1-3 page essay (Long Articles-Research Papers may once annually substitute a Book reading) by High School Graduation in addition to the Standard Science Book assigned for Classes. Quiz every Monday (10-25 questions) to prepare for Midterm-Final Exams.; and
4) History – 10:10AM-10:50AM (Forty Minute Class) – Grades 1-12. 36 Minutes Homework in Study Hall Grades 1-8, and Grades 9-12, ___ Minutes. Coordinate and Assign with English or Science Teachers a monthly Book reading assignment with 1-3 page essay (Long Articles-Research Papers may once annually substitute a Book reading) by High School Graduation in addition to the Standard History Book assigned for Classes. Quiz every Monday (10-25 questions) to prepare for Midterm-Final Exams.; and
5) Language – 10:50AM-11:30AM (Forty Minute Class) – Grades 1-12. 36 Minutes of Homework in Study Hall or Classroom Grades 1-8, and Grades 9-12 ___ Minutes of Homework. Quiz every Monday (10-25) to prepare for Midterm-Final Exams. Language is by Student Choice.; and
Free Lunch – 11:30AM – 12:30PM (60 Minutes) – Healthy and Nutritionally Complete Meals with Fruit-Salad-Milk-Juice-Bottled Water-Yogurt with Granola/Fish/Poultry/Meat and Spaghetti with Meat Sauce (Spaghetti is a Complex Carbohydrate) and little Sugar/Starch is Mandatory.
6) Fine Arts: Music-Dance-Theater-Dance – 12:30PM-1:10PM (Forty Minute Class) – Grades 1 – 6 – (Fulfills Physical Education Requirement)-Theater-Visual Arts. Student Choice. No Homework.; and
7) Study Hall 1:10PM-4:40PM (3 Hours) – Grades 1 – 6
Supervised/Tutoring by Teachers.; and
8) Snack/Lite Dinner 4:10PM-4:40PM – Grades 1 – 6
For Example: Soup & Sandwich w/milk.; and
9) Physical Education 4:40PM-5:30PM (50 Minutes Class) Grades 1 – 6 No Homework. Concentrated Study. Student Chooses PE/Physical Education Courses.
10) End of Regular Day – Monday – Friday 5:30PM – Grades 1 – 6 – Children can go home any manner allowed by parent. In Most Trusted Programs (SRCCB) Shielded Residential Commercial Community Buildings Schools in same building.
11) Monday – Friday 5:30PM – 6:00PM – Grades 1-6 Student-Parent-Teacher Meetings by appointment.
Standardized, Compulsory Education – Curriculum Hours Grades 7 – 8:
6) 12:30PM – 1:10PM – Grades 7 – 8 – Word Processing Hardware/Software-Internet/Website-Library and Research.; and
7) 1:10PM – 4:10PM (3Hours) – Grades 7 – 8 – Study Hall, in Lunchroom/Classroom with Teacher Supervised/Teacher Tutoring.; and
8) 4:10PM – 5:30PM (30 Minute) – Grades 7 – 8 – Snack/Lite Dinner.; and
9) 4:40PM – 5:30PM – Grades 7 – 8 – PE/Physical Education. Low Impact Exercises: Yoga – Tai Chi-Swimming-Cycling-Rock Climbing.; and
10) 5:30PM – Grades 7 – 8 – End of Regular School Day. Children go home in any manner allowed by parent.; and
11) 5:30PM – 6:00PM – Friday – Monday – Grades 7 – 8 – Student-Parent-Teacher Meetings by appointment.

Standardized/Compulsory Education – Curriculum Hours Grades 9-10:
6) 12:30PM – 1:10PM – (30 Minutes) Grades 9 – 10 – Psychology I & II (Health-Career-Friendship-Romance/Divining-Marriage-Children-Family-Decisions-Ethics-Socioeconomic Relationships). Homework in Lnchrm-Clssrm. Quiz each Monday (10-25 questions) to prepare for Midterm-Final Exams.; and
7) 1:10PM – 4:10PM (3 Hours) Grades 9 – 10. Study Hall in Lunchrm/Classrm.; and
8) 4:10PM – 4:40PM (30 Minutes) – Grades 9 – 10 – Snack/Lite Lunch Grades.; and
9) 4:40PM – 5:30PM – Grades 9 – 10 – Physical Education. Low Impact Exercises: Yoga-Tai Chi-Swimming-Cycling-Rock Climbing.; and
10) 5:30PM – Grades 9 – 10 – End of School Day. Children go home in any manner allowed by parent.; and
11) 5:30PM -6:00PM – Grades 9 – 10 – Student-Teacher-Parent Meetings by appointment.
6) Two Year Concentrated Study Grades 11 – 12 – 12:30PM – 2:00PM Monday-Friday
In Addition to the foregoing Classes Itemized in Paragraphs 1-5, the following Two Year ‘Concentrated Study’ Classes Awarding Each Student with Both a Para Professional Certificate’ and High School Diploma upon completion of High School are listed below.:
(1) EMT/Emergency Medical Technician & Life Guard Techniques, and (2) Para Legal-Legal Assistant Study in Constitutional Law/Case History, and (3) Legal Secretary, and (4) Office Manager/Administrative Assistant, and (5) Computer Typist/Software Technician, and (6) General Office Manager-Computer Technician Typist, and (7) Performing Arts Classical and/or Contemporary: Theater/Film Acting-Music-Dance-Voice, and (8) Visual Arts Classical and/or Contemporary: Film-Photography-Lithography/Printing-Calligraphy-Drawing-Pastel-Oil Painting/Water Color/Sculpture-Pottery, and (9) Computer Graphics for Print-TV-Film, and (10) Museum Curator with Knowledge of Research, and Historical Restoration, and (11) Architectural Engineering-Drafting and Dental Assistant, and (15) Naturapathic and Nutritional Assistant, and (16) Carpentry-Masonry-Plumbing-Welding-Glass Making, and (17) Manager/General Manager At Construction Site with Cad Architectural/Engineering Drafting/Drawing Techniques, and (18) Welding-Plumbing-Pipe Fitting, and (19) Glass Designer-Glass Blower/High Volume Glass Making, and (20) Mechanical Design/CAD Drafting, and (21) Mechanical Drafting/CAD Design for Elevators/Elevator Shafts and Stairwells, and (22) CAD Design: Construction In Security-Locksmith-Security/Decorative Windows-Gates-Doors, and (23) Mechanical Drafting with CAD Design and Construction In the Field of Active-Passive Solar Mechanical Room, and (24) Building Superintendent Assistant: Includes General Office Management with Computer Technology/Software Knowledge and General Architectural-Engineering/Construction with CAD Techniques, to Include Mechanical Drawing-Blue Print Reading and Design Skills for Plumbing-Elevator-Elevator-Water-Water Waste Treatment-Waste Treatment-Sewage Treatment-Waste/Refuse Disposal and Recycling, and Trouble Shooting for Building Management, and (25) Truck/Auto Mechanical Design, Construction and Repair, and (26) Naval Architect And Marine Engineering and CAD Design, and (27) Aerospace Architectural-Engineering and Design with CAD And Manual Drafting Techniques, (28) Aeronautical Architectural-Engineering and Design with Manual and CAD Design Techniques, and (29) Computer Hardware-Computer Software Research-Design-Construction, and (30) Journalism And Photojournalism for Print-Television-Radio-Computer, and (31) Teacher’s Assistant In Any Field, and (32) Psychiatry-Psychology And Social Worker Assistant, and (33) Telecommunications Design-Construction Specialist, and (34) Manager: Marketing-Customer Service Telecommunications Specialist, and (35) Stockbroker Assistant with Stock market Computer Software Techniques (Buys & Sells Stocks), and (36) Head Bank Teller-Bank Teller, and (37) Bank Manager Assistant-Bank Loans Officer/Foreign Currency History-Commercial Bank Teller-Customer Service Representative, and (38) Certified Public Accountant-Bookkeeping Assistant, and (39) Manufacturing Plant Assistant with Purchasing-Marketing Techniques In Any Field, and (40) Assistant Sales Manager with Purchasing/Marketing In Any Field, and (41) Real Estate and Property Management, and (42) Alternate Energy-Power/Fuel Engineering-Construction and Research Specialist for Nonradioactive Nuclear Cold Water Fission, and Active Passive Solar Opaque Panels with Solar Mechanical Rooms, and Hydroelectric Power, and Sugarcane Ethanol and Jatropha and Electric Powered Vehicles, and (43) and Environmental Impact Study Specialist, and (44) Assistant Visual/Radio Telescopic Observatory Astronomer, with Training in Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Celestial Mechanics, and (45) Satellite Architectural Engineering and Construction with CAD Drafting Design and Manual Drafting/Design , and (46) Advertising-Marketing Executive Assistant Computer Software Skills, and (47) Media Advertising-Marketing-Media Business Operations with Computer Software Skills, and (48) Veterinarian Medicine Assistant-General/Surgical Medicine-Domestic-Wild-Marine Life, and Animal Husbandry, and (49) Mechanical Engineering and Design and Construction with CAD Drafting, and (50) Business of Publishing-Authorship/Writing-Typesetting for the Print Media, and (51) Book Binding, and (52) Computer Book Design-Book: Computer-Manual Illustrations with/without Cartoon Illustrations, (53) The Business of Agricultural Farming: Fruit/Vegetable Farming, Product Canning/Bottling/Storage and Distribution, and (54) The Business of Dairy Farming with Product Canning-Bottling-Storage and Distribution, and (55) The Business of Cattle/Hog Ranching-Animal Husbandry with Product Canning-Bottling-Storage and Distribution, and (56) The Business of Marine-Fish Nursery-Hatchery (Salt/Fresh Water), with Canning-Bottling-Storage and Distribution, and (57) The Business of Sports-Athletic Coach-Athlete In Any Chosen Field, and (58) MT/Most Trusted ERS Specialist: Forestry/Reforestation-Forest Fire Specialist with Rock Climbing-Hiking-Mountain Climbing and EMT/Emergency Medical Technician Certificate, (Note: ERS/Most Trusted Emergency Response Services is Our Large Field Support and Services All Forestry/Woods-Hurricane-Tornado-Flood-Earthquake-Landscaping-Reservoir-Lakes-Rivers-Water Safety-Aerospace-Aeronautics-Marine-Bio-Chemical Hazards etc. Emergencies), and (59) Geologist And Advanced Surveyor with CAD Design and Impact Study Specialist, and (60) Infrastructure Architectural-Engineer with CAD and Manual Drafting Design and Management for Highways-Roads-Sidewalks-Curbs-Gutters-Traffic Lights-Underground-Inter coastal Waterways-Reservoirs-Dams-Levy Design-Fountains-Snow Ice Melt, and (61) Aeronautics-Aerospace Air Traffic Design, and (62) Assistant Locomotive Specialist with Architectural-Engineering CAD Drafting/Manual Design and Construction, and (63) Transportation Manager In All Operations of Locomotive/Rail-Highways-Roads-Bridges-Tunnels-Aerospace-Aeronautics-Ports-Shipping, and (64) The Business of Landscaping-Forestry-Floral Specialist, and (65) Business Management-Economics and Marketing-Accounting and Bookkeeping Principles, and (66) Assistant Accountant-Bookkeeper, and (67) Restaurateur-Caterer, and (68) Librarian and Book Store Specialist, and (69) Zoologist Assistant, and (70) Dredging Assistant with Swimming-Scuba-EMT Training, and (71) Performing Arts Theater Manager, and (72) Visual Arts/Gallery Manager, and (73) Set Design Specialist: Film-Theater-Advertising-Modeling, and (74) Commercial Residential Decorator, and (75) Market Research-Traffic Research Specialist, and (75) Architectural-Engineering CAD Specialist In Any Field, and (76) Mechanical Engineering-Mechanical Drawing and CAD Design and Drawing-Drafting and Advanced Blue Print Reading (Any Field), and (77) Beautician and Cosmetician, and (78) Assistant Animal Caretaker: Wild-Domestic with Animal Husbandry, and (79) Hotel/Motel Assistant, and (80) Supermarket/Grocery Store Assistant, and (81) Fashion Drawing/Clothing Design, and (82) Modeling (Runway-Print-Film), and (83) Marketing and Sales Assistant, and (84) Sales Assistant, and (85) Assistant Manager: Casino Gambling, and (86) Assistant Manager/Host: Restaurant-Bar, and (87) Stone Masonry-Carpentry-Glass Blowing-Welding, and (88) Smelting and Mold Making, and (89) Robotics Architectural-Engineering and Cad Design, and (90) Micro-Computer Research-Architectural-Engineering-Design-Construction and Applications, and (91) Electrical Engineering-CAD Design-Construction Specialist, and (92) Advanced Mathematics and Applications, and (93) Advanced Physics And Applications, and (94) Marine Biology and Physiology, and (95) Human Biology and Physiology, and (96) Forensics, and (96) Constitutional Law-Criminal Law-Criminal/Civil Legal Process of Law, and (97) US Postal Mail/Cargo Assistant, and (98) Welder, and (99) Herbalist, and (100) Pharmacist Assistant, and (101) The Business of Television And Radio Broadcasting with Studio Hosting/Field Reporting and Technology, and (102) Print Media: The Business of Media-Print Reporting-Newspaper/Magazine and Technology, and (103) Other etc.
Note: The Most Trusted Program must ensure education in the fields which maintain itself adding to life’s synergy and permanent/long term employment/business enterprises of our new improved socioeconomic infrastructure, which takes into account that as people grow and change they may want to learn new skills. All businesses will become part of the ‘American Business Consortium’ which guarantees success and Profit/Expense for all businesses.
Concentrated Study Grades 11 – 12 Continued:
7) 2:00PM – 5:00PM – Grades 11 – 12 – Study Hall Teacher Supervised/Tutoring Available.; and
8) 5:00PM – 5:30PM (30 Min) – Grades 11 – 12 – Free Snack-Lite Dinner Lunchroom-Classroom.; and
9) 5:30PM – 6:00PM – Grades 11 – 12 – PE/Physical Education. Suggested Lite/Moderate Impact Classes. Competitive Sports SATURDAYS.; and
10) 6:00PM – Grades 11 – 12 – Monday – Friday – End of Regular School Day.; and
11) 6:00 – 6:30PM – Monday – Friday – Parent-Teacher-Student Meetings by appointment.
1) Nursery School-Kindergarten
Once a child is toilet trained, they are accepted into the Mandatory Nursery School -Kindergarten Classes which are meant to stimulate and commence disciplined cognitive guidance and growth and development in a non threatening environment and includes Classes Nos. 1-5 (found on page one herein). Classes are no longer than one half hour. After lunch and nap time, the foregoing classes are followed by group singing and music lessons and low impact physical exercise for one half hour such as: dance – yoga – tai chi – meditation and outdoor swings, jungle gym, etc. Any television program of education and positive entertainment value will be used daily such as: “Sesame Street’ and ‘Cyber Chase’ or American History Cartoon/Program of some kind or Comedy. Field Trips during the week/weekend for Kindergarten is allowed. Children may easily leave their classroom with authorized adult/parent supervision for the day/period of time for any reason.
2) Mandatory (w/Parental Consent) Classes On/Off Saturday Hours: 10AM-3PM
With Parental Consent, and Come-As-You-Wish Open Schedule, a Child’s broad educational needs additional School Classes are held Saturdays 10:00AM – 3:00PM.:
Each Student must write at least one article/story for the School Newspaper/Magazine and Radio/Television Stations. Students are encouraged to learn basic photography as well. All students must sign up for one year of their chosen media outlet/mandatory classes which may Field Trips. Competitive Sports, Performing Arts Competitions, Catechism Class, Cooking & Home Economics Class, Psychology and Parenting Class, Citizenship Class (teaching our US Constitution/US Declaration of Independence and Para Legal Law), Fishing and Camping Class, Target Gun Practice Class, Bow and Arrow Class, Boating and Sailing Class, Diving Class, Driving Class, Etiquette/Diction Class are all mandatory classes taught on Saturdays for one year each. Local Businesses in the foregoing fields can be offered Class Participation when the Classes are Filled to Capacity as expected.
3) Military Service:
A) Military Service Is Delayed Until Every Enlisted Person-Military Officer/Cadet (preferably while in High School-College) has Completed a Four Year or Five Year Bachelor’s Degree (120 – 150 College Credits). There is No Draft – There is No Subscription! Boot Camp is once monthly and builds strong bodies and strong minds! Women are welcome in boot camp but NOT in the Front Lines in the battlefield. There is more Freedom In the US Military and choice of Combative Assignments and Personal Safety are Respected. Taking the Initiative to Complete Assignments Is Allowed. Whistle Blowers will NOT Be Punished! In a Good Gnome Society Whistle Blowers will most likely NOT be necessary. Communications-Media-Medical-Nursing-Computer-Library-Office Staff Are Acceptable Positions For Women in the US Military.
B) All Educational Expenses Are Paid for by the US Government-US Military-Military via Grants-Scholarships-Student Loans. Before any person may serve in the US Military-Military for Four to Five years, they must first complete a Bachelor Degree Program of their choosing making service in any Military delayed until about the 21/Twenty One or 22/Twenty Two years of age and Not 18/Eighteen years of age.
Silvia Stagg
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign
1101 Brickell Ave # 310223 Miami Fl 33231
U.S. House of Representatives - US Senate
Washington District of Columbia - 20515
U.S. Capitol Switchboard
202-224-3121 & TTY: 202-225-1904 and
Public Email For Members of Congress
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General Phone Number:
If these topics do not address your concerns, please call (212) 876-7700 during normal business hours, Monday-Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. ET
Write to Us:
Silvia Stagg
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign
1101 Brickell Ave # 310223 Miami Fl 33231
Direct Access - Informal Protocol Addresses
VOTE Silvia Stagg
...until elected US President!
Only US Citizens and US Residents Are Allowed To Give Campaign Contributions To US Candidates and Contributions are generally limited to Twenty Five Hundred - Five Thousand US Dollars (US$2,500.00 - US$5,000.00) Per Person Per Primary-General Election Cycle, Total Per Person: US$5,000.00! Additionally, we rarely have Runoffs. Yet, Runoffs allow for another $2,500.00 in Contributions per person. Those who wish to support my US Presidency via "electioneering communications" without contacting myself are allowed to make unlimited contributions, and most likely requires an FEC Form Filed. Contact FEC/Federal Elections Commission (999 E St NW Wash-DC 20463 T: 800-424-9530 F: 202-501-3413 I: for Forms-Information regarding necessary filing of FEC Forms for those making Campaign Contributions. Anyone making Contributions to Silvia Stagg, as a National Security Victim Witness may do so without FEC Forms.